The Photography Teacher
Ian Moss
Young People
Starting young
My daughter had her first photography show when she was four years old.
Since then (now twenty years ago) I have been running photography courses for young people. Granted, they're not normally four, but armed with a camera and a child's curiousity, any young person can explore their local area and produce far more interesting images than you would think.
My courses have been held in arts centres and museums, and well as exploring urban and rural environments.
Children have made pinhole cameras, learnt how to process film and paper, practised legography, visited zoos, or simply climbed hills to see what there is to be seen.
Courses have lasted between one and five days. The fee per child, per day, is only £25 (based on a minimum of four children), but group size is never more than six.
While it is best if children have their own cameras, I can provide a limited number of cameras.
So, if you have a group of young people, or are running a holiday club, please get in touch.

On the left, my daughter in 1996, clearly not getting grips with a Hassleblad, but featured in the press as one of the youngest ever exhibited photographers in the UK.
On the right, a much more recent photo from a legography course- taken at the Buckinghamshire County Museum.

A young person making props for a playmobil themed workshop.
This worksop combined the work of Gillian Wearing and Slinkachu, and was called 'Small voices of Protest'.